miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016


 Tony hawk

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Tony Hawk is the most famous of all skaters in the world, has its own video game, clothing line and sports equipment, comes in movies and TV shows (even in the Simpson) and his personal fortune is estimated at 200 million dollars.The has countless titles and some impressive marks. Still he is skidding, but already has 46 years and this sport is supposed to be for "crazy young" and is not seen too much.

Dustin Dollin
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Dustin Dollin (born 26 June 1980) is an Australian professional skateboarder Who is the one of the original team riders for the Baker skateboard brand.


Danny Way


Resultado de imagen de danny way 

Born on April 15, 1974, is an American professional skateboarder and entrepreneur, best known for his extreme tricks and crazy things like jumping from a helicopter to a ramp or create megarampas, with one of them jumped the Great Wall of China. He has also twice won the "Skater of the Year" award.


Mike Vallely

 Resultado de imagen de Mike Vallely 

Born in Edison, New Jersey. This renowned skater is not only famous for his skill with the table, but has a punk band called Black Flag, has been actor, television personality, wrestler wrestler and professional hockey player.


Paul Rodriguez

 Resultado de imagen de Paul Rodriguez 

Paul Martin Rodriguez, known by many skateboarders as P-Rod, is a Mexican-American skateboarder born in Tarzana, California.Especializado in street mode, and a parallel acting career. Son of actor and comic of the same name. He received his first table as a Christmas gift from his mother, because he always said, that impressed him as his high school kids could do tricks with a board feet. It has greatly helped the skate industry in the world and owns his own company.


Ryan Sheckler

 Resultado de imagen de Ryan Sheckler 

(San Clemente, California, Dec. 30, 1989) is one of those atypical skaters, the US is also actor. Had a TV show on MTV called Life of Ryan. Sheckler turned pro in 2004 with only 14 years, after winning the X Games IX, Gravity Games, Vans Triple Crown and Slam City Jam.


Rodney Mullen

 Resultado de imagen de Rodney Mullen 

John Rodney Mullen nació el 17 de agosto de 1966 en Gainesville, Florida. Para los skaters, es considerado como uno de los más influyentes de la historia y padre del street skate. Inventó un gran número de trucos en los años 80 y principios de los 90, entre ellos el Kickflip, el Heelflip, el 360 Flip. En la actualidad Mullen se encuentra alejado del deporte pero aún sigue inventando variaciones de trucos como los Underflips y las variaciones en Darkslide.


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